The great palermo

From Public Play Space Community


we are muesli + clac + Almendra Music + Sudtitles + My Appy

Palermo, italy, 2015
Purpose Activation.pngActivation
Purpose Interconnection.pngInterconnection
Purpose Collaberating.pngCollaborating
Purpose Raise awareness.pngRaise Awareness
Purpose Educate.pngEducate
Purpose Visualise needs.pngVisualize Needs
Purpose Simulate impact of decisions.pngSimulate Impact of Decisions
Purpose Decision making.pngDecision Making
Purpose Designing.pngDesigning
Co-Creation Co-analysis.pngCo-Analysis
Co-Creation Co-design.pngCo-Design
Co-Creation Co-implementation.pngCo-Implementation
Co-Creation Co-maintenance.pngCo-Maintenance
Co-Creation Co-monitoring.pngCo-Monitoring
Empty.png Empty.png Empty.png
Outcome Decision making.pngDecision Making
Outcome Knowledge.pngKnowledge
Outcome Assesment.pngAssessment
Outcome Design.pngDesign
Outcome Inclusion.pngInclusion
Outcome Awareness.pngAwareness
Outcome Partnership.pngPartnership
Empty.png Empty.png
Mechanics Alternitive reality.pngAlternative Reality
Mechanics Role play.pngRole Play
Mechanics Rule based play.pngRule Based Play
Mechanics Location based.pngLocation Based
Mechanics Simulations.pngSimulations
Mechanics Mapping.pngMapping
Mechanics Geolocation.pngGeolocation
Mechanics Hypothesis.pngHypothesis
Mechanics Metagame.pngMetagame
Technology & Tools Analoge Tangibles.pngAnaloge Tangibles
Technology & Tools AR VR.pngAR / VR
Technology & Tools Audio Visual.pngAudio Visual
Technology & Tools Data AI.pngData AI
Technology & Tools Data Collection Visualization.pngData Collection/Visualization
Technology & Tools Digital Interface.pngDigital Interface
Technology & Tools Mobile.pngMobile
Empty.png Empty.png
Aesthetics Sensation.pngSensation
Aesthetics Imagination.pngImagination
Aesthetics Assemblage.pngAssemblage
Aesthetics Pysical activity construction.pngPhysical Activity / Construction
Aesthetics Realism.pngRealism
Empty.png Empty.png Empty.png
Scale Metropolitan.png Metropolitan
Scale City.png City
Scale District.png District
Scale Neighbourhood.png Neighbourhood
Scale Street.png Street
Scale Undefined.png Undefined
Empty.png Empty.png Empty.png
Audience Community.png Community
Audience Planning expert.png Planning Expert
Audience Stakeholders.png Audience Stakeholders
Audience Policy Makers.png Policy Makers
Empty.png Empty.png
Empty.png Empty.png Empty.png
Scope Individual.png Individual
Scope Small group.png Metropolitan
Scope Larger group.png Small Group
Scope Crowd.png Crowd
Scope Pre-defined.png Pre-Defined
Empty.png Empty.png Empty.png

The Great Palermo" is a free interactive ballad about street food, folklore and culture of the city of Palermo, Sicily. Explore the places and play with the stories, from Donna Florio's iris to Saint Rosalia's babbaluci: 19 secrets to discover in a locally-made playful experiment in cumulative storytelling and valorization of the intangible cultural heritage of Sicily.

The Great Palermo aims to promote the intangible heritage of the sicillian street food. The objective is to use the videogame medium as a form of unconventional storytelling tool .The project was borned inside an art residency and was co-created locally.

Made by We Are Müesli in collaboration with CLAC. Prototyped in Palermo at Re Federico Cowork for I ART - Artist In Residence. Developed for Crezi Food Kit project in collaboration with Fondazione Telecom Italia. Music and sound design by Almendra Music (Danilo Romancino, Gianluca Cangemi, Luca Rinaudo), voice by Alberto Nicolino, app development by My Appy.

The Great Palermo 1.png

The Great Palermo 2.png

The Great Palermo 3.png

The Great Palermo 4.png